Meet the Tripeiros*

* Tripe seller and/or one who eats tripe. It also means someone related to or belonging to the city of Porto or someone who is a native or inhabitant.

First things first

Tripas-Coração is a popular expression from Portugal which means to turn adversities into strengths or to describe a superhuman effort. The expression is used when a person overcomes their own limits, does everything possible and impossible to accomplish something... We think it fits us perfectly!

How it started

We started Tripas-Coração with the goal of merging the art of welcome guests in our city with the willingness of being part of the renovation of our patrimony, to be part of the development of the local community and complementing it with a professional and caring way to welcome our guests in Porto. Our company and community strive to provide not only a boutique inspired home but an opportunity to experience living in Porto.

Why you should stay with us

All our properties have have been carefully selected by always asking the same question: "Would we live here?". You can see where we are going with this. Our properties are special, they were renovated with care and respect for their original architecture, and furbished with local Portuguese made furniture and linen, decorated harmoniously for our guests to feel comfortable and relaxed.

We love to travel, just like you. We are all born and raised in Porto. Even though, we travel constantly, for work or fun..., Porto is where our home is!  Our hosts across the world have made our journeys memorable - that hidden square, that restaurant with no English menus, unexpected block parties or that book left on the bedside table. All were inspirations for us to welcome you to your new home in Porto.

Come visit us and we will return the favour! Most of the times, Inês, Nia, Liliana or MJ, will be your hosts and will help you with anything you might need.

Our Team

Nuno Alves

Chief Executive Officer

Liliana Resende

Operations Manager

Tiago Gonçalves

Financial Manager

Inês Azevedo

Customer Service Senior

Nia Augusto

Customer Service Junior

João Caravela

Maintenance Manager

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